Case Studies


A Transformed Automotive Industry using Machine Learning Technology

Customer's information

Investindo is a Corporate Venture by Triputra Group focusing on professional-led companies solving ordinary problems in extraordinary ways. Investindo invests in passionate founders solving real-world problems.

The challenge

The client wants to build new online car showroom with the feature of secondhand car price prediction and also provides the ideal price to customers. They also want to make one stop platform for all automotive transactions.

The solution

We Cloud Ace offered to create web-based and mobile app-based online car showroom with the feature of secondhand car price prediction using the technology of machine learning and data analytics.

The results

The client successfully launched its new Cartalog online car showroom and became the first online platform for car marketplace.

"Cloud Ace listens to customer needs and tailors solutions by combining  both teams to achieve the best outcome. Its fast decision making & agile young team understand well our business process for a right go-to-market strategy.” – Marcello Haryanto, Investindo

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