Case Studies


Gmail with G Suite as a secure solution with better control

Customer's information

Mekong Group is a Singapore based consultancy firm focused on the development of Indo-China markets, specifically Laos. The company chose Cloud Ace due to their reputation working with Google technologies including  8 Google specializations and G Suite as a solution to secure company emails and  files and improve collaboration across the two countries via Drive and Hangouts.

The challenge

The clients used webmail that was difficult to monitor when employees moved on. It was less secure as it was prone to hacking and impersonation and the company had recently experienced an email security breach.

The solution

Gmail with G Suite as a secure, easy to manage and affordable solution. G Suite Admin console further providing control over securing and archiving emails; and easy access to files with Drive.

The results

G Suite provided a secure, easy to use and  integrated approach to secure email, finding files and made collaboration with employees via Hangouts and Drive simple and effective. The client does not have to purchase credits for Skype as Hangouts creates a secure link when scheduling a meeting in Calendar. 

-3x Easier to find files with Drive

-100%  satisfaction in securing Emails in G Suite

-2x Easier to securely collaborate via Hangouts 

"Cloud Ace is friendly to work with and provided us with G Suite as a solution for our needs. They are focused on customer satisfaction as they are quick to respond to follow-ups and are comfortable resolving customer needs with the best Google solutions." Tristan Chan, The Mekong Group

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