
Cloud Ace Inc.

Cloud Ace, Now A Google Maps Platform™ 

Service Partner

On April 20, 2021, Cloud Ace Inc. (Head Office: Chiyoda City, Tokyo, President and CEO: Makoto Aoki) will announce that it has become a Google Maps Platform™ Service Partner.

Through the certification as a Google Maps Platform™ Service Partner, Cloud Ace will be able to combine its strengths of Google Cloud utilizing services and in-house products with Google Maps Platform products, to further assist the digitization of businesses.

As a tool that has become irreplaceable in our daily lives, Google Maps charts more than 220* countries, provides information on over 200 million locations and businesses, and its functionality expands by the day.

It is hoped that Google Maps will be utilized in mobile game businesses, disaster related businesses, and small businesses, as it can be utilized in many different scenarios. In making diverse services and application development possible, utilization of many solutions becomes a necessity. For example, the combination of data analysis functions makes large-scale and high-speed cloud based processing possible, allowing for the development of a highly modern and real-time application.

Ayatoshi Yoshidumi, Chairman and representative director of Cloud Ace Co., Ltd., said the following.

“By becoming a Google Maps Platform Partner, we are now able to provide a one-stop outlet for enterprise oriented solutions. By combining the knowledge and knowhow of Google products that Cloud Ace has accumulated since its inception, we can further provide solutions in various fields. In the future we want to expand globally, with a focus on Asia.”

Cloud Ace will utilize Google Maps Platform to deploy useful solutions and assist the development of services that people in rural areas, tourists, or anybody can conveniently use. 

In addition, with an all Google cross-compatible solution, including the Google Marketing Platform handled by D.Table (a merged company with Digital Advertising Consortium), we will provide clients with a foundation for a digital strategy.

(*Sourced February 2020, 「Google Japan 公式ブログ」

【What is Google Maps Platform 】

 In Google Maps, with over 200 countries and regions charted, users can obtain customized maps, streetview pictures,  “routes” to their destinations, and “places” where they can search for their destinations, making it useful for all kinds of businesses.

For more details please visit Google Maps Platform’s website


Cloud Ace Co., Ltd. Overview

Head Office:Cloud Ace Inc.

Representative:Makoto Aoki

Location:Tokyo-to, Chiyoda-ku, Ootemachi 2-6-2

Business details:100% subsidiary of Yoshidumi Holdings. Cloud integrator specializing in Google Cloud, providing one-stop support for everything from planning cloud integration to operations/maintenance. As a Google Cloud Managed Service Provider, offers everything from technical support to consulting, system development and Google Cloud certification training. Operates out of 4 cities domestically and 8 countries overseas, answering the diverse needs of companies promoting DX usage in tandem with over 120 partners.


Head Office:Yoshidumi Holdings Co., Ltd.

Representative:Ayatoshi Yoshidumi

Location:Tokyo-to, Chiyoda-ku, Ootemachi 2-6-2

Business Details:Pure Holding Company



Inquiries relating to press releases

Cloud Ace Inc. Marketing Department  Public Relations representative

Google Cloud, Google Cloud Platform and GCP are trademarks of Google LLC.